Adult Mental Health Services

Supported Employment

Program Requires a Referral

Program Requires a Referral Through ICMS hospital liaison

Supported Employment Services near me
Supported Employment Services

Overcoming Obstacles

A Path to Successful Employment

Adults dealing with behavioral or mental health issues can find securing and maintaining employment a challenge.  The Supported Employment program assists individuals with behavioral or mental health illnesses participate in the competitive job market. It provides a support system comprising a team of professionals who help them find meaningful employment and provide ongoing assistance. The program is designed to help individuals attain self-sufficiency and recovery and may include the following services:

Program Director: Erika Metzner

The Supported Employment program service is designed to assist individuals 18 and older who have difficulty choosing, getting and keeping a job in the community. Services are provided in the community or on site at our offices, whichever is more accessible for the client and will best help them to be successful.

Get The Help You Need

Make The Call

Call 732-367-5439 x5210 or email

Get Help

Self-referral or a referral from a doctor, therapist, or caseworker is required.

What Happens Next?

Individuals will be contacted for an intake meeting and then set up with a program plan.

Supported Employment

Get Help Along The Way

This program focuses on individuals who have been unsuccessful at maintaining consistent employment due to behavioral or mental health issues. To participate in Supported Employment, the following criteria must be met:

The goal of the program is to help you secure and maintain employment that matches your skills and enhances your quality of life.

Employment Support Services
Supported Employment in NJ

We're Here To Help

Preferred Behavioral Health Group provides multiple youth and adult services to address emotional, mental, and behavioral health issues. However, some situations require different services. If you or a loved one is experiencing life-threatening danger or the immediate risk of self-harm, go to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 for immediate assistance.