Program Requires a Referral

The Teen Years Can Be Tough
We’re There For You

Studies have shown that the teenage years are a critical time for experimentation with drugs and alcohol, making them particularly susceptible to developing an addiction. Teenagers often lack the maturity to understand the implications of their behavior and can easily be influenced by peer pressure or outside influences. Substance use can lead to serious health issues or derail educational and career goals if not addressed in a timely manner.
It is important to note that this program focuses on prevention. It is not a treatment, and no drug testing is involved. The program is available at multiple locations throughout our organization.
- Employment skills
- Money Management and Financial Literacy
- Education Planning
- Housing and Home Management Skills
- Communication and Advocacy Skills
- Sexuality and Safe Sex
- Transportation
- Mental Health and Healthcare
- Relationship Building
- Nutrition and Meal Planning
- Goal Building

Program Director: Susan Warnken
Curiosity, peer pressure, or the need for an escape can all lead to experimenting with substance use. Teen Intervene is a tested, time-efficient, evidence-based program for teenagers aged 12-19 at risk or suspected of experiencing mild substance use. The program addresses the impact of substance use with a special focus on alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use. The purpose of Teen Intervene is risk elimination, risk minimization, and harm reduction.
Get The Help You Need
Make The Call
Call 732-367-1710 x9300. This is the first step in getting your teen the help they need and providing early intervention.
Get a Referral
A completed referral form is required for this program. The family will be contacted once the form is received.
What Happens Next?
The program director will assist you in enrolling your teen in the program and provide you with the available locations.
Help and Support
When you need it most

If you have tried to talk to your teen and explain the negative impact substance use can have on their health and future but aren’t getting through to them, it’s time to ask for help. Don’t wait. Early intervention can be the best chance to prevent addiction and keep your teen on the path to a full and rewarding future.
Teen Intervene consists of three to four sessions designed to work with the teen and includes the parents or guardians in the last session. There is no cost, as a grant provided by the Ocean County Health Department covers the program.
- Prevent duplication of services
- Avoid potential conflicts between treatments
- Experience a more seamless and coordinated solution

We're Here To Help
Preferred Behavioral Health Group provides multiple youth and adult services to address emotional, mental, and behavioral health issues. However, some situations require different services. If your child is experiencing life-threatening danger or the immediate risk of harming themselves, you must take them to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 for immediate assistance.
Contact Us Today
During business hours, please contact us directly at
732-367-4700Â for services or to set up an appointment.