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Embracing National Recovery Month: A Journey to Hope and Healing

September is more than just a month; it’s a symbol of renewed hope and the power of transformation. As we embrace National Recovery Month, Preferred Behavioral Health Group stands alongside individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorders, offering unwavering support and resources for their journey towards recovery. Recovery is not just a possibility; it is a reality. Every story of triumph over addiction is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. The path to recovery begins with a single step—a decision to seek help. Whether it’s acknowledging the need for change or supporting a loved one, taking that initial step can ignite a transformational journey. At PBHG, we believe in a holistic approach to recovery. We encourage individuals to engage in self-discovery, therapy, support groups, and, if necessary, medication-assisted treatment. Small, consistent steps lead to significant progress. Education and awareness play crucial roles too, reducing stigma and promoting understanding. If you or someone you know is seeking a path to recovery, PBHG is here to help. Our comprehensive substance use services are tailored to individual needs, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. From counseling to community engagement, we offer a range of resources that provide a lifeline to a healthier future. Learn more about our programs and services HERE. This National Recovery Month, let’s stand together, sharing stories of resilience, celebrating every achievement, and fostering a compassionate community. Recovery is possible, and at PBHG, we’re dedicated to guiding every step of the journey towards a brighter, substance-free tomorrow. 732-367-4700 Hope. Heal. Thrive.

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From Struggle to Success – Paula’s Journey

Paula of Brick learned she was pregnant again on the day of her daughter Sandra’s baby shower back in 2019. Mother and daughter are now both recent graduates of PBHG’s Ocean County Healthy Families program, a free and voluntary in-home visitation program in Ocean County designed to assist, support, and educate pregnant and newly parenting families. Both babies were born right at the start of the pandemic in 2020. Those early months are difficult enough for new parents, but the stress and isolation from the pandemic magnified the difficulties. Plus, a financial burden hit when Paula lost her job at a local restaurant when it closed. But Paula is a hard worker and a caring and conscientious Mom. With those qualities and the support provided by Ocean County Healthy Families support worker Glory for 3 years, Paula and her family are now flourishing.  “During the pandemic, Glory helped us through the whole process. She brought food, diapers, blankets – whatever we needed, and we needed a lot,” said Paula. “She connected us with healthcare services and community resources and made sure all of us were well. And she could always cheer me up. When my brother Jamiez died unexpectedly at age 41, she even sent flowers and a card.” Paula With her restaurant experience and confidence she gained from Glory and the Ocean County Healthy Families program, in 2021, Paula opened her own small grocery store in Brick. Named “Jamiez Grocery” after her beloved brother, the store sells fresh fruits and vegetables, condiments, meat, dairy, and other products. It was hard work, but today the store is thriving, and Paula is well-known in her local community as a successful businesswoman and a loving Mom and Grandmother. “I am so thankful for all of the help, and I will always be grateful.” For more information on our Ocean County Healthy Families program, click HERE. Ocean County Healthy Families is an affiliate of Healthy Families America®

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