Children and Family Services
Ocean County Healthy Families
- 732-367-4700 ext.6127
- Northern Ocean County (Brick to Bayville)
- 732-367-4700 ext.6127
- Northern Ocean County (Brick to Bayville)

A Healthy Head Start
for new parents
The Ocean County Healthy Families program helps parents and families build positive relationships with each other. They offer helpful and culturally respectful support services, including in-home and group sessions, to teach expectant and new parents important skills that will help them create lasting connections with their children. The program focuses on ensuring a healthy pregnancy, enhancing child and family well-being, teaching child development, encouraging school readiness, and promoting family self-sufficiency.
- Ensure a healthy pregnancy
- Enhance child and family well-being
- Teach parenting skills and child development
- Encourage school readiness

Program Director: Annette Burton
The Ocean County Healthy Families Program is a home visitation service that offers hands-on parenting support for pregnant and newly parenting families. Services include weekly visits, infant screening, connections to community and healthcare services, and other types of support.
Get The Help You Need
Make The Call
Call us at 732-367-4700 x6127. We will discuss the services available to you through our Ocean County Healthy Families program.
Get A Referral
The Connecting NJ Referral Form is necessary and should be completed by the provider making the referral or the individual interested in services. Check the Home Visiting Box on the form.
What Happens Next?
Referrals are screened for eligibility for program enrollment. When appropriate, services will begin.
Benefits to Families
Strengthening Families and Our Communities

The Ocean County Healthy Families program plays a vital role as a community resource by providing comprehensive support and services to families, empowering them to build strong foundations and improve their overall quality of life. Benefits include:
- Strengthens parent-child relationships
- Improves child safety and prevents maltreatment
- Parents have fewer low-birthweight infants
- Children show enhanced cognitive development and fewer behavior problems
- Moms show improved mental health
- Less intimate partner violence
Parents also have the opportunity to share their experiences with other families experiencing issues similar to their own.

We're Here To Help
Preferred Behavioral Health Group provides multiple youth and adult services to address emotional, mental, and behavioral health issues. However, some situations require different services. If your child is experiencing life-threatening danger or the immediate risk of harming themselves, you must take them to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 for immediate assistance.
Contact Us Today
During business hours, please contact us directly at
732-367-4700Â for services or to set up an appointment.