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School & Community

Partner with PBHG:
Building a Healthier, Happier School Community

PBHG has been a select provider of school-based services for nearly 35 years. By partnering with PBHG, schools can invest in their student’s holistic wellbeing, teach the importance of giving back, and create a happier, healthier school environment and community. Discover the various ways your school can partner with PBHG and make a lasting impact.

Join a Virtual Campaign

Does your school’s honors society or Key Club look for fun, impactful ways to volunteer? Engage your students and staff by participating or leading a virtual fundraising event and/or campaign. These are unique opportunities for your school to support mental health and addiction services while raising awareness within your school. Virtual campaigns allow your school to make a difference from anywhere, promoting unity and a shared purpose.

Be a part of something bigger.

Volunteer with Us

Encourage your students and staff to volunteer with PBHG. Volunteering provides hands-on opportunities to engage with our programs and make a direct impact on individuals' lives. This experience fosters a sense of community and empathy, teaching students the value of service and helping to break the stigma surrounding mental health.

Get involved and inspire change.

Plan an Event at Your School

Partner with PBHG to plan events at your school that promote mental health awareness and support. Events such as mental health fairs, guest speaker sessions, or fundraising drives can educate students and staff about the importance of mental health, creating a supportive and informed school environment.

Bring PBHG to your school.

Substance Use Services

Individual Counseling and Therapy

It is not unusual for the stressors of everyday life to sometimes be overwhelming and require a little help to get back on track. We provide counseling and therapy to meet the unique needs of families and individuals of all ages.


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