Children & Family Services / Teens & Young Adult services

Monmouth County Programs

For a full list of services available, please view our Menu of Services Full Edition and Menu of Services Elementary Edition.

Tier 1 Programs

Tier 1 offers Universal Supports, including universal prevention programming, to students, Pre-K – grade 12. Tier 1 programs can be delivered through school-/district-wide programming, curriculum efforts through workshops, webinars, assemblies, trainings, and evidence-based interventions, or community efforts such as workshops held at libraries or community centers. 

Additional information on upcoming Tier 1 services is available on our Events Calendar and the New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) website. To request Tier 1 services for your school or organization, please call NJ4S COMPASS at 732-961-4354.

Tier 2 Programs

Tier 2 includes targeted evidence-based prevention interventions for middle and high school students. Services can be delivered through small group interventions, and can also include linkages to existing programming and/or community resources. Focus areas for interventions include substance use prevention, sexual health and teen pregnancy prevention, suicide prevention, bullying and violence prevention, and other prevention-focused areas of need determined by the youth and community. 

NJ4S Tier 2 services require a referral from school personnel. Please contact NJ4S at 732-961-4354 for additional information on the referral process.

Tier 3 Programs

Tier 3 includes assessment and brief individualized clinical interventions for middle and high school students.  The services aim to improve overall mental health and well-being or to facilitate resolution of an immediate problem, while allowing for continued classroom success. Students will access these services while also being referred and connected to a community provider to support ongoing mental health needs, including referral for further evaluation and/or on-going mental health counseling. Tier 3 services are targeted, brief clinical interventions that can be delivered either in-person or virtually and require parental consent.

NJ4S Tier 3 services require a referral from school personnel. Please contact NJ4S at 732-961-4354 for additional information on the referral process.

Reach Out

For additional information on NJ4S services, please call 732-961-4354 or submit the contact us form below. 

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