Jennifer Obsuth

Ways to Preserve Mental Health: Building a Foundation for Well-Being

At Preferred Behavioral Health Group (PBHG), we understand that mental health is as crucial as physical health to our overall well-being. It profoundly influences how we think, feel, and interact with the world. By emphasizing mental health awareness, we aim to help individuals thrive, enjoy life, and manage stress effectively. Nurturing mental health involves more than just avoiding illness; it’s about creating a lifestyle that enhances the overall quality of life. In celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month, our team has compiled some key strategies to help focus on maintaining your mental health. Maintain a Balanced DietThe brain, like any part of the body, requires the right nutrients to function optimally. Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and flaxseeds can enhance brain function and mood. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains forms the foundation for good mental health. Regular Physical Activity Exercise is a powerhouse for mental wellness, not just physical fitness. Regular physical activity can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Integrating activities like walking, yoga, or cycling into your daily routine is essential. Adequate Sleep There is a strong link between sleep quality and mental health. Poor sleep can worsen psychological states and increase the likelihood of developing mental health issues. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Social Interactions   Robust social connections are crucial for mental well-being. Engaging with family, friends, colleagues, and the wider community can enhance your sense of belonging, increase happiness, reduce stress, and build self-worth. Mindfulness and Relaxation Practicing mindfulness means being fully present and engaged in the moment. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or muscle relaxation can significantly reduce stress and boost emotional health. These can be practiced almost anywhere in just a few minutes. Avoiding Triggers Identifying and managing what triggers your stress or anxiety is crucial. Recognize the situations or people that cause discomfort and develop strategies to handle or avoid these stressors. At PBHG, we view maintaining mental health as a dynamic, ongoing process. By adopting these strategies, you can build a robust foundation for mental well-being, enhancing your overall quality of life. We are committed to supporting you in this journey, emphasizing that caring for your mind is as essential as caring for your body. If you need support or have any mental health concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

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The Heightened Risk of Postpartum Depression

In a recent discussion on postpartum depression on Scripps News Live, our CEO Dr. Tara Chalakani emphasized the importance of acknowledging the challenges of childbirth and motherhood, urging women to seek support and not feel ashamed of their feelings. She highlighted the need for increased awareness, regular screenings, and access to resources to ensure the well-being of mothers beyond the focus on the baby’s health. Here are some highlights of the discussion. You can watch it in its entirety here: Learn more about our mental health outpatient programs HERE. ###

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Embracing National Recovery Month: A Journey to Hope and Healing

September is more than just a month; it’s a symbol of renewed hope and the power of transformation. As we embrace National Recovery Month, Preferred Behavioral Health Group stands alongside individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorders, offering unwavering support and resources for their journey towards recovery. Recovery is not just a possibility; it is a reality. Every story of triumph over addiction is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. The path to recovery begins with a single step—a decision to seek help. Whether it’s acknowledging the need for change or supporting a loved one, taking that initial step can ignite a transformational journey. At PBHG, we believe in a holistic approach to recovery. We encourage individuals to engage in self-discovery, therapy, support groups, and, if necessary, medication-assisted treatment. Small, consistent steps lead to significant progress. Education and awareness play crucial roles too, reducing stigma and promoting understanding. If you or someone you know is seeking a path to recovery, PBHG is here to help. Our comprehensive substance use services are tailored to individual needs, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. From counseling to community engagement, we offer a range of resources that provide a lifeline to a healthier future. Learn more about our programs and services HERE. This National Recovery Month, let’s stand together, sharing stories of resilience, celebrating every achievement, and fostering a compassionate community. Recovery is possible, and at PBHG, we’re dedicated to guiding every step of the journey towards a brighter, substance-free tomorrow. 732-367-4700 Hope. Heal. Thrive.

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