Empowering Family Unity
Preferred Center for Children and Families
- 1500 Route 88, Brick and 40 Christopher Way, Eatontown (New Location)
- 732-367-4700 ext. 7195 (Lauren, Director)
- 1500 Route 88, Brick and 40 Christopher Way, Eatontown (New Location)
- 732-367-4700 ext. 7195 (Rich, Director) / 732-785-1900 x 3107 (Lauren, Clinical Supervisor)
Program Requires a Referral Through DCPP*

Preferred Center for Children and Families
Fostering Healthy Family Relationships

Parent/child relationships can be complicated and conflicts can arise. From the stressors of everyday life to significant trauma, if these are not addressed, they can escalate and strain the family relationship to a breaking point. A variety of programs and support services are available at our Preferred Center for Children and Families.
- Trauma-Informed Services
- Psychiatric Evaluations
- Medication Monitoring and Management
- Play Therapy and Sand Play Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Support Groups for Children and Adolescents
- Parenting Skills Group
- LGBTQ Support
- Housing and Home/Landlord Management Skills
- Employment Skills
- Money Management and Financial Literacy
- Education Planning
- Communication and Advocacy Skills
- Sexuality and Safe Sex
- Transportation
- Mental Health and Healthcare
- Relationship Building
- Goal Planning
- Community Resources and Engagement

Program Director: Lauren Casas, LPC, ACS
Our youth outpatient therapy program provides a safe, inclusive space for children and their families to build and maintain strong, healthy relationships within and outside the home. A diverse team of skilled and compassionate therapists addresses behavioral challenges and family dynamics. Medication management is available for youth with more significant concerns. Therapists collaborate with school counselors, physicians, and other resource providers in the life of the family to provide integrated and comprehensive care.
Get The Help You Need
Make The Call
Call Access at 732-367-4700 x3107
What Happens Next?
Access will set up an intake appointment.
Our Preferred Center For Children and Families
We’re Here For You
The journey from childhood to adulthood isn’t always easy. The Preferred Center for Children and Families provides support services to children ages 4 to 18 and their parents or caregivers in Ocean and Monmouth counties. We understand that every child and family is unique, and we coordinate the best services to address their specific issues. We accept most insurance plans including Medicaid. Discover which of our NJ behavioral health centers is best for your needs.
- Substance use assessments
- Extended assessments
- Referrals
- Case management
- Motivational interviewing
- Peer recovery support specialists
- Transportation
- Chain of custody drug screenings
Preferred Behavioral Health Group currently operates the CPSAI Program in eleven counties: Bergen, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren, located in 20 DCP&P state offices.

We're Here To Help
Preferred Behavioral Health Group provides multiple youth and adult services to address emotional, mental, and behavioral health issues. However, some situations require different services. If your child is experiencing life-threatening danger or the immediate risk of harming themselves, you must take them to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 for immediate assistance.
Contact Us Today
During business hours, please contact us directly at
732-367-4700Â for services or to set up an appointment.